Archive for April, 2013

  • why_CIPD 22nd April 2013

    Why CIPD?

    What is CIPD? The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) is a professional association for human resource management professionals. It is headquartered in London, England and has over 135,000 members across 120 counties. In 2013 it celebrate 100 years of existence. In Dublin CIPD Ireland has more than 5,000 members and has been in […]

    About Trevor Dagg

    CEO @ Talentevo. Connect with Trevor on Google+

  • Objective Setting 11th April 2013

    10 simple tasks for effective objective setting with your team

    Objective setting is the first step of the Performance Management process. It gives you and your team the opportunity to discuss their performance and contribution for the year. By making objectives, expectations and performance standards clear, you will be clear on how to deliver and succeed. Before the meeting 1. Prepare If drafted Review objectives […]

    About Trevor Dagg

    CEO @ Talentevo. Connect with Trevor on Google+

  • Great Managers 5th April 2013

    What’s the role and benefits of being a great Manager

    As highlighted in my previous blog managers need to manage and managing employee performance is a key part of being a great manager. Research has shown that managers who get it right can produce fantastic results compared to those that don’t so let’s consider what makes a great Manager: You deliver for the organisation with […]

    About Trevor Dagg

    CEO @ Talentevo. Connect with Trevor on Google+

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